Friday 15 January 2010

Implementation - progress

Made significant progress by getting the file reading operations to work!

The process within Xcode and Objective-C 2.0 is to incorporate the files to be read from into the project within Xcode, usually within the 'Resources' folder. You then assign a string with the full path of the file to be read by applying a method onto the project's bundle object. It is then possible to read from the file.

A few problems associated with file reading and data management remain. Such as, assigning attribute names to an array of string objects and arranging the card objects into a 'random' order.

Next on the agenda is performing research into the implementation of the GameKit framework and then implementing the multiplayer aspect into the game.

Friday 8 January 2010

Implementation - progress

After coming back from the winter break I have cleared all occurring errors from the implementation. Some errors were caused by incorporating cyclic links within different class files which I therefore decided was not necessary for the implementation nor required by the specification. Further errors included improper definition of an array.

With these errors resolved I am ready to move onto incorporating the file reading capabilities of the program in order to read in data corresponding to each individual card.